
Curriculum Guide

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Languages: French or Italian

Year 8

The French and Italian courses in Year 8 focus on further developing students’ knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, viewing, speaking and creating in their target language. Studies in this area include weather, shopping and pastimes. Students have the opportunity to participate in cultural activities related to celebratory days and festivals, national days and film festivals. Students access the online learning activities program Education Perfect as an essential part of their study.

Year 7 French

1 of 12

Year 7 Italian

2 of 12

Year 8 French

3 of 12

Year 8 Italian

4 of 12

Year 9 French

5 of 12

Year 9 Italian

6 of 12

Year 10 French

7 of 12

Year 10 Italian

8 of 12

Stage 1 French (Continuers)

9 of 12

Stage 1 Italian (Continuers)

10 of 12
Stage 2 French (Continuers) 11 of 12

Stage 2 Italian (Continuers)

12 of 12