
Curriculum Guide

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Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9

Year 7, 8 and 9 Mathematics are compulsory full year subjects in each year level.

Throughout these years, students develop skills in the three sub-strands of ‘Number and Algebra’, ‘Measurement and Geometry’ and ‘Statistics and Probability’. Wherever possible, the learning is linked with other curriculum areas and focused on inquiry or problem-based-learning so students see the ‘bigger picture’ and importance of maths when solving a wide range of real-life problems.

Classroom learning activities are supplemented by engagement with an online learning platform, Manga High, which adapts content to address students’ learning needs. A focus on growth mindsets and the understanding that anyone can engage with maths to the highest level is also an important part of mathematics learning in these years.

In Year 7 our students will engage in an interdisciplinary challenge (Semester 2) that integrates learning across Maths, Science and Technology.

STEM: Sustainable Solutions:
Year 8 and 9 Only (Semester 1)

In this semester of applied mathematics, science and food technology, students will investigate contemporary agricultural issues and propose solutions. Using the statistical method and design thinking, they will prototype solutions and perform experiments to improve crop yield with the goal of producing a farm to table meal.

Year 7 Mathematics

1 of 13

Year 8 Mathematics

2 of 13

STEM: Sustainable Solutions

3 of 13

Year 9 Mathematics

4 of 13

Year 10A Mathematics

5 of 13

Year 10 Mathematics

6 of 13

Stage 1 General Mathematics

7 of 13

Stage 1 Specialist Mathematics

8 of 13

Stage 1 Mathematical Methods

9 of 13

Stage 2 Essential Mathematics

10 of 13

Stage 2 General Mathematics

11 of 13

Stage 2 Mathematical Methods

12 of 13

Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics

13 of 13